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ILDONG Bioscience Recognized with the "Top of Export" Award at Trade Day Ceremony

2023년 12월 6일

Global Recognition for ILDONG Bioscience: A Milestone in International Trade and Export Excellence

In a significant recognition of its global market influence and export achievements, Ildong Bioscience, a subsidiary of the Ildong Pharmaceutical Group led by CEO Lee Jang hyey, has been honored with the prestigious "Top of Export" award. This accolade was presented during a ceremony commemorating Trade Day, marking a notable milestone in the company's history.

The "Top of Export" award, bestowed by the Korea International Trade Association and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, celebrates companies that have made remarkable contributions to the expansion of exports, development of overseas markets, and creation of job opportunities.

This year's ceremony, celebrating its 60th anniversary, saw Ildong Bioscience achieving the $2 million Export Tower, a step up from the $1 million Export Tower it secured last year, underscoring the company's consistent growth in international trade.

Ildong Bioscience has made notable strides in several key markets, including the United States, China, and Southeast Asia. The company attributes this success to its proprietary quadruple coating patent technology, which enhances the stability and effectiveness of various probiotic strains developed in-house.

Moreover, the company's readiness for global market penetration is bolstered by several critical certifications and registrations. These include the US FDA's 'GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe)' certification, the Canadian Ministry of Health's registration of Natural Health Products, and both Halal and Kosher certifications, paving the way for broader market access.

An official from Ildong Bioscience emphasized the company's commitment to ongoing research and development. This includes the innovation of various raw materials, products, and functional materials, coupled with an aggressive strategy for exploring overseas markets. This strategy involves finding business partners and tailoring products to local market needs.

Established in 2016 as a part of Ildong Holdings, Ildong Bioscience originated from a corporate division focused on lactic acid bacteria-related technology and infrastructure, originally developed by Ildong Pharmaceutical. The company has been actively expanding its operations. It's not just about introducing new products and brands that utilize a range of functional probiotics and postbiotics materials; it also includes supplying raw materials to leading domestic and international firms, and engaging in OEM and ODM businesses, showcasing its dynamic approach in the health functional food sector.

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